Happy Lunar New Year!

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Happy Year of the Ox!

Lunar New Year has always felt like more of a real new year to me. It's a bit later, doesn't get lost in the holiday hustle and bustle of December merging into January, and it's a bit more aligned with nature.

It's also more forgiving to those of us who make resolutions or set intentions on January 1, but they quickly fall to the wayside weeks, days, even moments later.

Lunar New Year is a chance to start again.

Perhaps with a more sober and realistic view, we can begin anew and shift even the smallest of things to move forward toward our highest good with a more compassionate heart in this New Lunar Year.

For so many of us, last year was extremely difficult, challenging and often heartbreaking. Those painful endings and lessons of this past year can also open the door to new beginnings in this new year.

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So as we also celebrate Valentine's Day, I hope that you'll extend love to yourself -- hold compassionate, loving space for yourself as you would for loved ones and friends.

Wishing you and your loved ones safety, happiness, health and peace in this New Lunar Year!

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